CE Scheme

Here at Casadh we provide clients with a 3 step process to becoming drug free, and staying drug free. We do this through our CE Scheme, which is facilitated by the Department of Social Protection.
Casadh has an allocation for 53 Community employment participants. We have 6 full time Community employment supervisors, and 3 Community employment participants engaged in a support role. There is a full time manager, rehabilitation worker and part-time family support worker, sponsored by the Drugs task Force.
Step 1 – Stabilisation Group
Aimed at participants aiming to make a significant change in their recovery. The overall aim of this programme is to introduce participants to strategies to engage in harm Reduction, to reduce illegal drug use, and to stabilise on prescribed medication only. Participants also take part in daily scheduled therapeutic vocational and formal education workshops. The stabilisation group is generally for one year in duration… read more about our Stabilisation Programme
Step 2 – Progression Group
Primarily aimed at persons coming from the stabilisation group, the progression group has, as its focus, the move towards a drug free lifestyle. There are increased therapeutic group and individual supports, with the aim of preparing the participant to enter a detoxification facility or Therapeutic Community or completing the detox in the community itself. The Detox element is medically supervised by the participants own GP or clinic and the assigned Key-Worker… Read more about our Progression/Detoxification Group
Step 3 – Drug Free Aftercare
Entrance to the drug free group is through graduation from the Stabilisation group or by referral from other Detox/Therapeutic programmes. The emphasis in this group is on increased self-reliance and utilising resources effectively in remaining drug free. There is increased emphasis on support structures outside of Casadh and developing structured plans and activities that promote a healthy and drug-free lifestyle…Read more about our Drug Free Group
Requirements for entry to all Programmes
Participants for Rehabilitation training (Community Employment) in Casadh must generally meet the following criteria:
1. Preferably live in the SICLDTF Area.
2. Must be referred by a medical practitioner, HSE programme or drugs specific referral, or in receipt of Methadone from a registered Clinic or Doctor.
3. Must be over 18.
4. Ideally be in possession of a medical card.
5. Meet DSP (Department of Social Protection) requirements for Community Employment on a Drugs Specific Programme.
6. If you are not an Irish resident you will need to get a letter confirming the offer of a place on the programme, along with your HSE application and DSP eligibility Form
There are no other barriers to entry to the programme. There are three programmes on offer, two morning programmes (Drug Free & Progression groups) and an afternoon Stabilisation programme, starting at 09.30 and 13.30 respectively.